Tag Archives: shows

…What She Order? Fish Filet?

Grace smiled upon my friends and I this past weekend (well, it was really my bff and her amazing connects that smiled upon us, but we’ll say it was grace), as we were granted amazing passes for the Watch the Throne show at the Palace of Auburn Hills this Saturday. Standing front row, we were able to see every movement and feel every bit of heat from the bursting pyro (seriously, I’m surprised my eyebrows aren’t singed). The show was amazing, as Jay-Z and Kanye West performed a lot of hits from their respective catalogs, as well as some notable tracks from their collaborative album, Watch The Throne (does anyone actually realize The Throne is the name of their group?). Opening the show on two separate cubes that raised into the air before becoming one on stage (symbolism?), the pair flashed signs of the illusive Illuminati all night (does it exist? Are we crazy?) in their clothing, videos and, of course, lyrics. They closed the night with “N****s in Paris,” which they performed a grand total of seven times (their previous record was six times in Boston, boy aren’t we special) before bringing the night to a close after performing for around two and a half hours. ‘Twas an amazing evening and was definitely the show of the year.

Check out some shots of the show below, as well as a few vanity pics after.